The Town Council requires to see a completed set of accounts in the case of most applications.
Where a set of accounts is not available, in the case of a new project being launched, some idea of anticipated costs should be given as an appendix.
The Town Council will want to fund projects, which enables people to become involved in activities, which improve the quality of life for the community of Winsford.
The Town Council wishes to fund projects, within its budget, supporting organisations in the voluntary and community sector to help them become more effective and efficient.
Groups working with young children must provide a written statement that protection procedures are in place, and that police checks are carried out in accordance with the vetting regulations.
Those groups supported will have their activities generally based in Winsford or for the benefit of Winsford people in the main.
National Charities without a local link or unable to demonstrate their effectiveness in Winsford will not normally be supported.
The Town Council policy is to support organisations and community groups.
Monies granted are done so under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 : Section 137.
The Town Council’s Finance Committee meets monthly, with the exception of May and August.