Winsford Town Council



  • The Town Council requires to see a completed set of accounts in the case of most applications.
  • Where a set of accounts is not available, in the case of a new project being launched, some idea of anticipated costs should be given as an appendix.
  • The Town Council will want to fund projects, which enables people to become involved in activities, which improve the quality of life for the community of Winsford.
  • The Town Council wishes to fund projects, within its budget, supporting organisations in the voluntary and community sector to help them become more effective and efficient.
  • Groups working with young children must provide a written statement that protection procedures are in place, and that police checks are carried out in accordance with the vetting regulations.
  • Those groups supported will have their activities generally based in Winsford or for the benefit of Winsford people in the main.
  • National Charities without a local link or unable to demonstrate their effectiveness in Winsford will not normally be supported.
  • The Town Council policy is to support organisations and community groups.
  • Monies granted are done so under the provisions of the Local Government Act 1972 : Section 137.


The Town Council’s Finance Committee meets monthly, with the exception of May and August.

    Section A

    Section B

    Monitoring your project

    List 3 ways in which your project will make a difference:



    Your application will be considered at the next Meeting of the Grants Sub-Committee. The Town Council’s Grants Sub-Committee usually meets bi- monthly.